Sunday, 19 October 2014

Blessing of Animals Service (Part II Photos)

 Thanks to team member Marcius, here's the rest of the photos. Enjoy!

The Furkids and their Humans

Praying for the animals

Pastoral Staff member Stephen prays for the family and the dog

 Ps Lorna praying for a furkid

Pastoral Staff member Amy going around with Ps Barnabas to
pray for the dogs



Its time for the cats!

 This is Charlie.
He is a three legged rescued mutt. A hit and run victim, he was called Zorro by Action for Singapore Dogs(ASD)group and was hospitalised several months ago at Nam Sang Vet Clinic (The vet, Dr Tai, is a member of our team) . Our Animal Ministry team members prayed fervently for him during that critical time. One member even brought him Kangen (alkaline) water to assist in his healing. He was eventually adopted by Carol. He has now put on a lot of weight, is well loved and he looks great!
 We are so happy to see him again.

Charlie with his human mom, Carol

With the Kuas, whose see-ing eye dog (the first in Singapore) named  Kendra
passed a way not long ago.
We are glad to have them with us during this service.
Their new dog will be here around the end of the year.

BLESSING OF ANIMALS SERVICE 2014 (First set of photos)

This is the first set of photos (by Ps Lorna and Diana Chong).
More photos to come from other photographers!
Thanks for helping and thanks for coming!
There were 18 dogs, 2 cats 27 humans. A smaller turnout than last year but that is because publicity was limited this year : our team was smaller so we needed to keep it manageable.
We welcomed cats for the first time in 3 years.